The Altmetric team
Altmetric Explorer Search

Updating Field of Research codes

AUTHOR: The Altmetric team

Fields of Research (FOR) are key parameter for searching the Altmetric database, we released some changes to how we handle them as part of a concerted effort to update and streamline the handling of subjects codes across the platform. They involve both interface changes and database updates to reflect current standards or practices.

  • Updated the descriptive text or labels associated with FOR codes to ensure they accurately reflect current research areas. This is crucial for clarity and to ensure that users can accurately identify and select the relevant codes for their searches or when analysing their work.

  • Implemented key changes to ensure that the 2020 FOR codes are identified as the primary subject codes within Altmetric Explorer, ensuring that all users are getting the most relevant results from their search queries and analysis. 

  • Phasing out support for outdated FOR codes in search functionalities ensures that searches are aligned with current research classifications, enhancing the relevance and accuracy of search results. It also simplifies the search process by focusing on current and widely used classifications.

Together, these changes aim to modernize the platform's approach to categorising and searching, ensuring that it aligns with current academic standards and classifications. This will improve user experience, enhance the platform's utility for research and academic purposes, and ensure that Explorer's search functionality remains a relevant and valuable resource for our users.

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