The Altmetric team

Timeline of attention on Details Pages

AUTHOR: The Altmetric team

We added a new feature on Altmetric detail pages - interactive attention timelines. This new feature will help users better understand the attention received by individual research outputs both over time and by source, and allow for easy reporting via exportable images.

Some key aspects of the new feature to watch out for:

  • Interactive timeline visualisation: A dynamic timeline that visually represents the attention that a research output has received over time. This allows users to quickly grasp the trends and patterns in how their work is being discussed and cited. The timeline allows users to focus on specific periods, such as the immediate aftermath of publication or during a PR campaign, helping them assess the impact of their communication strategies over time.

  • Source-specific filtering: Altmetric Explorer users can toggle between different sources of attention—such as news outlets, social media, policy documents, and more. This filtering capability lets users focus on the sources that matter most to them, providing a more customised and relevant view of the data.

  • Clickable data points: Each data point on the timeline is interactive, enabling Explorer users to click through to Explorer data and dive deeper into the specific mentions and sources behind spikes in attention. This feature provides immediate context and links back to the original content driving the data.

  • Easy integration into reports: The visualizations and data behind them can be easily downloaded and embedded into reports or presentations. This feature ensures that the data is not only informative but also visually compelling, helping  users to effectively communicate the impact of their research. This functionality is only available to Altmetric Explorer users.

  • Enhanced user experience for non-Explorer users: Even users who do not have full access to Altmetric Explorer can experience a preview of the rich insights available. This feature helps engage a broader audience and encourages exploration of additional Altmetric tools and services.

This doesn't impact any of the other features on the details page - these will remain the same and present for users to continue to engage with.

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