The Altmetric team
Altmetric Explorer

Performance Improvements

AUTHOR: The Altmetric team

These tickets involve a mix of performance optimisation, process improvements, and error handling enhancements to improve system reliability, efficiency, and user experience.

  • An issue with long-running queries, which leads to blocking other queries, can degrade system performance was recorded.  A mechanism to identify and resolve these queries was implemented to prevent system slowdowns.

  • Adjusted the number of workers allocated for cache warming to optimize performance. This involved balancing the load to ensure that resources are efficiently used without overwhelming the system, potentially improving response times and system reliability.

  • Resolved an issue where database tasks fail to complete. Identifying the root cause and implementing a fix was crucial for the integrity and availability of the Altmetric Explorer.

  • Identifed and implemented performance improvements across the system. This has involved optimising database queries, enhancing the efficiency of data processing tasks, or upgrading infrastructure components to better handle the workload and improve overall system performance.

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