The Altmetric team

New policy sources - October 2023

AUTHOR: The Altmetric team

Altmetric curates policy sources that are designed to change or otherwise influence guidelines, policy or practice.

Tracked policy sources and document types range from government guidelines, reports or white papers; independent policy institute publications; advisory committees on specific topics; research institutes; and international development organisations.

We aim to curate a broad scope of policy sources from organisations around the world and cover topics from climate change to health, transport and economics. Policy sources are largely collected directly from organisations' publications websites and are updated regularly.

New policy sources added this month

  • Arbetsmarknadsekonomiska rådet (AER) - Sweden

  • Brookfield Institute - Canada

  • Centre for Lebanese Studies - Lebanon

  • Centro de Investigaciones para el Desarrollo (CID) - Colombia

  • ETION - Belgium

  • Klimatpolitiska Rådet - Sweden

  • Ministerio de Salud y Deportes - Bolivia

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