The Altmetric team

New and improved Details Page API Documentation

AUTHOR: The Altmetric team

1. What's new?

We launched a new and improved version of our Details Page API documentation, available at

2. Value and user impact

The page is available to anyone wanting to learn how to use the Details Page API. The API enables users to get programmatic access to the metrics data associated with articles, datasets, books, and many other research outputs we collect.

The Details Page API is a powerful tool, focusing on a subset of the data we have about research outputs and mentions. It allows users to find out everything they need to know about an individual research output (identified by DOI, PubMed ID or other scholarly identifier) or a wider range of results when querying using one or more journal ISSNs.

With technical expertise, users can create their own ways of slicing and viewing their data, which gives them the freedom to complete more complex research, ask more granular questions of Altmetric data, and build custom visualizations. The major advantage is that the API calls allow for programmatic, automated data flows, so that the data can be called into users' own systems, and remain current.

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