The Altmetric team
Altmetric Explorer

Modules Menu

AUTHOR: The Altmetric team

We've added a new menu item to the left hand navigation bar in Altmetric Explorer for our Publisher users. The modules icon and menu will give users access to new Modules and Apps that are being developed by the Altmetric team. By opening the menu you'll be able to see what modules are currently available to you, clicking on the module will take you to the module in a new tab.

If you don't currently have any modules available to you there is a link to find out more about the available modules. If you are not a publisher user then this menu will not be available to you - if you feel that you should have access and don't, then please reach out to the team.

Altmetric has an exciting new way to use Altmetric's data around attention. We are continuing to launch Modules & Apps provides that analytical and workflow tools for different users and use cases – all drawing on the out attention and mention dataset.

The use cases can range from targeted discovery, support of research and organisational strategy development to AI-driven knowledge extraction to answer your specific research questions.

You can learn more about the available Modules or Apps here.

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