The Altmetric team
Altmetric Explorer Accessibility

Keyboard Navigation updates

AUTHOR: The Altmetric team

Addressing keyboard navigation and accessibility issues in specific areas of the Details Pages is crucial for creating a fully accessible and user-friendly digital environment. Here's the changes we've made and why they are important:

  • Enhancing keyboard navigation on the Summary tab ensures that all users, including those who rely on keyboard shortcuts, can access and interact with the information efficiently. This is essential for providing equal access to content summaries, which are often the first point of information users find.

  • Improving the accessibility of the "More" button is key to ensuring that users can uncover additional information or actions available on Details Pages without struggle. For keyboard users, being able to easily activate this button is crucial for a seamless navigation experience.

  • Properly managing focus when opening a details page is fundamental for accessibility. When the details page opens the focus will move to the beginning of this new content, allowing keyboard users to navigate from the top without having to tab through the entire page from the beginning. This practice is essential for an intuitive user experience.

  • Ensuring that Weibo links (or any social media links) on Details Pages are accessible involves making sure they can be navigated to and activated using a keyboard.

  • Addressing the issue where elements within the category inspector are auto-focused when a mouse hovers over categories is crucial for keyboard users. This behavior can be disorienting and disruptive for those relying on keyboard navigation, as it could unexpectedly shift their focus away from their current point of navigation. Ensuring that focus remains consistent and predictable enhances usability for keyboard users.

Collectively, these improvements aim to enhance the accessibility and usability of the platform, ensuring that all users, regardless of their method of navigation or any disabilities, have equal access to information and functionality. Implementing these changes is not only a step towards compliance with accessibility standards but also significantly improves the overall user experience, making the platform more inclusive and user-friendly.

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