The Altmetric team
Altmetric Explorer Accessibility

Keyboard Navigation updates

AUTHOR: The Altmetric team

Keyboard navigation and accessibility across various elements of the platform underscores our commitment to ensuring the application is usable and accessible for all users, including those who rely on keyboard navigation due to preferences or accessibility needs.  We rolled out some changes to ensure all of users could access the Altmetric products.

  • Ensuring that any pop-over (e.g. the details page) can be easily closed with the "Escape" key without unintended consequences (such as reopening tabs) addresses a specific usability issue that can hinder workflow.

  • Updating features like "attention by region" for keyboard users ensures that all parts of the platform are equally accessible.

  • Improving accessibility for sharing functions ensures that users can easily share content from the platform, enhancing the application's social usability and engagement.

  • Ensuring that users can access research outputs and navigate detailed pages using a keyboard is crucial users who need to access these elements for their work.

By addressing these specific keyboard navigation and accessibility improvements, the platform can provide a more equitable, efficient, and enjoyable experience for all users. These improvements not only cater to users with disabilities but also enhance the overall usability of the platform for everyone, demonstrating our commitment to high-quality user experience design and accessibility standards.

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