The Altmetric team

Dimensions ID available as identifier in the Altmetric Details Page API

AUTHOR: The Altmetric team

1. What's new?

Users of the Altmetric Details Page API can now use the Dimensions ID of research outputs as an identifier in their API queries.

2. Value and user impact

The Details Page API is a powerful tool, focusing on a subset of the data we have about research outputs and mentions. It allows users to find out everything they need to know about an individual research output, identified by DOI, PubMed ID or other scholarly identifier.

We hear from joint customers of Altmetric and Dimensions that users want a smoother experience across the Altmetric and Dimensions APIs. From their feedback, we learned that:

  • For Dimensions API users, the Dimensions ID is the most reliable way to find all available publications matching their search criteria

  • Historically, Altmetric Details Page API users wanting to pull all available research outputs matching their search criteria have needed to write a separate query for each type of scholarly identifier Altmetric holds.

  • Being able to use Dimensions IDs in queries to the Altmetric Details Page API would remove the need for separate queries.

We have now added the Dimensions ID (dimensions_publication_id) to the list of identifiers available to query the Altmetric Details Page API. This will enable users of both the Altmetric and Dimensions APIs to:

  • Search the Altmetric dataset with the ID they already use most frequently for publications in the Dimensions dataset

  • Make one single request to find research outputs through the Altmetric Details Page API (instead of making different requests based on which identifier Altmetric holds for each research output)

3. Documentation

The Altmetric Details Page API documentation is available to users at

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