The Altmetric team
Altmetric Explorer Search

Changes to the Advanced Search UI and behaviour

AUTHOR: The Altmetric team

These small changes to the user interface and the Advanced Search address a need for improvements in usability and functionality.

  • Pressing the Enter key to run a search should consistently update all relevant search fields to reflect the new search parameters. Inconsistencies can confuse users and reduce the user's experience.

  • Being able to select search terms from the autocomplete suggestions with the keyboard impacts accessibility and efficiency. Keyboard navigation is essential for users who prefer not to use a mouse or touchpad, including those with disabilities. Improving this functionality makes the search feature more accessible and efficient to use.

  • Making the ENTER key's functionality when using advanced search more consistent with common web standards and user expectations is crucial for a smooth search experience.

Each of these issues impacts the user's ability to efficiently and effectively use the Advanced Search feature. Addressing them is important for enhancing the overall usability, accessibility, and satisfaction with the application. By improving these aspects, the platform can provide a more seamless and user-friendly experience, encouraging greater use and engagement with the system.

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