The Altmetric team
Altmetric Explorer Usability Search

Changes to default search scope

AUTHOR: The Altmetric team

These tasks focused on enhancing the search experience for users with integrated data. Allowing users to set the default search scope to be either for the full database or their own publications specifically, but always with the option to update on a per search basis. Each part of the change aims to ensure that users have a consistent and predictable experience when performing searches, saving search criteria, or navigating search results.

  • Validations to check that all new searches are saved with a valid scope variable is crucial for user experience. It ensures that searches are retrievable based on their intended scope.

  • Adjusting the default search scope for integration users to avoid overriding institution-only previously saved searches. This task ensures that the platform can serve diverse user groups effectively without compromising on established personalised settings or preferences.

  • Ensuring that the action of clearing fields in a search form does not unintentionally change the search scope from its default setting is important for maintaining user expectations and consistency in search behaviour. Users should not experience a change in search scope simply as a result of clearing input fields, as this could lead to confusion or incorrect search results.

  • Addressing issues where interacting with lozenge links (or similar UI elements) on the outputs tab changes the search scope is important for consistency and predictability in how search parameters are applied. 

Together, these tasks aim to refine the search functionality's usability and reliability, ensuring that users can perform and save searches with the confidence that their intended parameters and scopes will be respected and preserved. 

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