The Altmetric team

Altmetric data on Google BigQuery (GBQ)

AUTHOR: The Altmetric team

We launched Altmetric data on Google BigQuery (GBQ). This provides users access to Altmetric data on GBQ, and offers a new platform to explore your data and improved interoperability with other Digital Science data datasets.

What are the benefits of using Altmetric on GBQ?

  • Using Altmetric data on GBQ allows for much more flexible querying and analyses of underlying Altmetric data not possible in the Explorer and/or difficult and complex with the API.

  • Data on GBQ can easily integrate with commonly used business intelligence tools like Tableau and Power BI, making it simple to incorporate Altmetric data into existing workflows and analyses.

  • You can easily join your own internal datasets with Altmetric data in a secure GBQ environment, allowing for much easier integration of our data with your own.

  • You can easily join Altmetric data with other commercial datasets or public datasets made available on GBQ, such as the Dimensions datasets

  • Altmetric data on GBQ offers significant flexibility when it comes to the creation of custom dashboards in comparison with either data exports or API queries - something most data analysts prize.

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